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Infinity Foundation is an empathy-driven initiative of SITS that demonstrates our values and passion to share. Constantly striving to make the world a better place, SITS has been involved in projects that benefit the community in more ways than one! We carry out multiple projects every year with the participation of our employees. The beneficiaries of the projects include individuals and organizations irrespective of geographical location. Pioneering in the craft of offering answers for tomorrow’s concerns, the completion of 16 years of industry service, prepared the ground for the Infinity Foundation to serve as the driving force behind all Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. As part of what we stand for, we have always assumed the duty of contributing to and caring for society. Infinity Foundation is a stepping stone to doing so on a wider scale.

Our Purpose

Many people silently struggle with poverty, lack of access to quality education and infrastructure, and limited resources due to various factors. These common hardships often go unnoticed. The Infinity Foundation aims to make a positive impact through education and bring attention to those in need. There are countless ways to achieve this goal, and the foundation is committed to exploring them all.

The Infinity Foundation is an extension of SITS’s longstanding tradition of volunteerism and philanthropy, as well as its integrated business model that prioritizes environmental responsibility and equitable social development.

Our Objectives

Infinity Foundation is the means to generating a stronger effect for the empowerment and enrichment of lives, having always engaged in the generous act of giving and supporting the benefit of society in a practical manner on numerous fronts.

Computer Laboratory

Koongaspitiya Kanishta Vidyalaya | Siyambalanduwa, Monaragala

Showing the values of our company, we donated a computer laboratory to Koongaspitiya Kanishta Vidyalaya, Monaragala as a CSR project in January 2022. This lab was handed over to Mr. Pradeep Weerasinghe, the principle of the school on the 28th of January. Being located in a remote area, the children of this school deserved and appreciated our contribution to uplift their lives. We trust that such efforts will help the country to reduce the digital divide. As a socially responsible IT firm in Sri Lanka, SITS will continue to contribute to such initiatives.


Smart Classroom

Asgiri Maha Vihara Pirivena | Kandy

Demonstrating our corporate social responsibility, we donated smart board to Asgiri Maha Vihara Pirivena in February 2020. Many employees of SITS participated in this event and the equipment was handed over to the Chief Monk of the pirivena. Speaking at this event, the Chief Monk thanked our institution for our efforts in helping the less privileged. At a time where technology plays a vital role in education and in disseminating knowledge, our gift to this pirivena received much appreciation from the stakeholders.


Sports and Computer Equipment

Karandeniya Central Collage | Galle

In order to promote sports activities among the youth, SITS provided sports equipment to Karandeniya Central Collage in Galle. This demonstrates our continuous commitment to help the society. This facility enables large number of youths in the area to engage in sports activities.

We also provided computer equipment for the school in December of 2018, as a part of our continuous CSR programs. We believe our contribution fulfilled to dire necessities of the new generation. Engaging in sports can make them courageous and accept both victory and defeat equally while digital literacy will enable them to join the future workforce.


School Supplies

Terrence N De Silva Maha Vidyalaya | Kolonnawa

We at SITS believe our social accountability to the public demonstrates an extension of the value we create to our customers and makes us stand by what we say and believe as an ethical business. We donated school supplies to Terrence N De Silva Maha Vidyalaya, Kolonnawa in May 2017 as a part of our CSR programs. We trust that our contribution will enable the school to produce competent students who are willing and capable of facing the new challenges in the digital age.

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Computer Laboratory

Sri Lanka Council for the Blind | Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte

We donated computer laboratory to the Sri Lanka Council for the Blind in demonstrating our support towards inclusiveness. Differently abled people deserve care and continuous support from both individuals and organizations. At SITS we are delighted to contribute in this type of initiatives. Speaking at this event, the CEO highlighted the necessity of taking the benefits of modern technology to everyone in the society. This donation was done in the year 2016.


Computer Laboratory

Ganepalla Kanishta Vidyalaya | Ganepalla

SITS, a company deeply committed to empowering communities, recently illuminated an innocent dream of students at Ganepalla Kanishta Vidyalaya which certainly needed some greater support from the community. Their generous donation of a fully equipped IT lab is not just about providing access to technology, but about igniting a passion for learning and opening doors to a brighter future.